What's being updated?
Compass is updating its home phone/landline service. This will change how you access your voicemail and use call forwarding.
Where can you see what changed?
Your voicemail greetings and saved messages remain the same. Some options may have changed but you are provided with the options when you dial 55 or 505.
Star codes including diversions have also changed. The functionality remains the same but the codes themselves have changed.
Divert all calls
Active: *72xxx
Deactivate: *73
Divert calls if your line is busy:
Active: *90xxx
Deactivate: *91
Divert all calls if there is no answer after 6 rings:
Active: *92xxx
Deactivate: *93
What to expect
As with any update, there may be some temporary downtime to your service. You will continue to be able to make calls as usual however there may be a small period of time where callers are unable to reach you.
More information
During the update, Compass technical staff are monitoring all services to ensure they return to full function after being updated. Please seek technical assistance from our staff on 0800 640 840 if you are unable to receive calls for longer than two hours.
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